a collective memory of Kashmir

work done at Itu Chaudhuri Design / role creative direction, design direction / client Octave Communications

As a photobook, Witness collects the work of nine photojournalists whose work spans the three tumultuous decades that have made Kashmir—known as “Paradise on Earth”— just as famous as a disputed area, a theatre of war and a site of protest framed in its aspiration of ‘azaadi’ (independence). 

Curated by a documentary filmmaker, himself a Kashmiri, the project rests on his interest in uncovering the work of these photojournalists, engaging with a conflict zone that they call home, yet being professional ‘witnesses’—giving the book its title.


/ awards & recognition

Kyoorius Design Awards 2017
Blue Elephant: Best in Culture, Art and Design Books

CII Design Excellence Awards 2017
Best in Visual Communication: Publication

The New York Times Magazine
Best Photo Books of 2017

a document that disturbs, moves and informs

A careful edit of images reveals the ‘new normals’ of unrest in Kashmir, that is hidden from daily news, but is important to the story of resilience and sustained conflict. As the pages progress from one photographer’s work to the next, they expose how life continues—fast and slow, in a rollercoaster of ups and downs.


the book as an object—a case file that collects and preserves a bundle of evidence

Details like a string that binds the book and red binding fabric are reminiscent of old, government files. An exposed spine adds to the distressed feeling. Gatefolds, postcards and foldouts pace the narrative forming peaks of surprise, shock and unease.

A reference section, on yellow paper, offers detailed captions for each image at the end of the book. Arranged chronologically, it offers the reader an alternate narrative to the book, with references to certain repetitive subjects of Kashmir’s conflict like counterinsurgency, elections and disappearances.


partner in charge Itu Chaudhuri / creative director Richa Bhargava / design director Richa Bhargava / design concept Sukanya Baskar / design development Sukanya Baskar / webpage photography Palash Jain / video Palash Jain, Sukanya Baskar


what if / packaging


the economic times / newspaper