pick a trip, get going

work done at Itu Chaudhuri Design / role creative direction, design concept, content planning
& development / client Inme Learning

Inme offers 9-17 year olds with the opportunity to explore the outdoor world on camping programs designed to provide personal development though meaningful, learning experiences. Over the past decade, they followed a direct market approach—calling and meeting parents—with the support of brochures and other marketing material. In shift towards creating a more efficient marketing system, we were approached to develop a website that would entice, inform and convert potential customers through a seamless online experience.

We envisioned a website that expresses the brand’s philosophy along side calls to action, always drawing viewers towards a decision to buy. It provides context for uninitiated parents in need of convincing, or assurance for the apprehensive ones concerned about kids’ safety, and thrill for children hunting for adventure. The design captures the Inme ethos—organised yet organic, rich yet spartan.

experience it here


successfully achieving more with less

With the launch of the website, Inme saw a fall in the number of telephonic enquiries and a rise in onsite-bookings. They also reported that most phone enquiries were to-the-point, reducing the need to explain. Beyond the screen, branded properties created for each program saw a new life as souvenirs for kids who attended their programs with a potential to use these markers of achievement to get them to try and collect them all.


partner in charge Lisa Rath / creative director Richa Bhargava / design concept Richa Bhargava / design development Sonal Singh / content planning Richa Bhargava / content development Itu Chaudhuri, Richa Bhargava / tech lead Vikrant Gupta / website development Pawan Kumar / animation Anirudha Hazare


wild stone / packaging


what if / packaging