a one-stop weekly magazine

work done at Itu Chaudhuri Design / role design concept & development / client RPG Publications

Open magazine was conceived for the intelligent, open minded reader with a love for all good things. It presents a rainbow of offerings—from thought provoking articles on politics, art and culture—that go beyond the mainstream.

The design is aimed at a younger reader, expressed though a generous use of colour, pictures, infographics, and odd bits of information. At the level of ‘the book’, distinct identities created for the front, middle and back sections make the offerings easier to navigate, rather than presenting a smooth spectrum. A snippety front has short bits of news and a unique contents section embedded inside it. This is followed by a middle that has the main feature articles and the back of the book which has special interest sections like arts, books, gadgets and science.


partner in charge Itu Chaudhuri / creative direction Itu Chaudhuri / design concept Itu Chaudhuri, Richa Bhargava / design development Richa Bhargava / webpage photography Parikhit Pal


nand ghar / photobook


ashima leena & alias / identity